We work with clients to understand, prepare for and respond to issues and crises

Whether it be cybersecurity risks, physical incidents, customer backlash, natural disasters or litigation, we have experience helping leaders and organisations navigate challenging issues and crises.
“How you prepare for and respond to an issue or crisis will play a large part in your organisation’s ability to survive and recover from negative media coverage or public perception.”
Every issue for every organisation is unique. York Park Group works closely with clients to identify and understand the details of each issue, develop a plan that considers the range of potential scenarios for how an issue may evolve or progress, and develop messaging and communications materials for different audiences and channels.
Some de-identified examples of our issues management work include:
- Assisting a major utilities provider respond to a record fine for a regulatory breach, including customer communications, stakeholder engagement and media management
- Managing media and stakeholder communications for a disability care provider following an unexplained death in care
- Assisting the Board of one of Australia’s largest professional associations to prepare for and manage hostile AGMs
- Supporting a range of organisations during legal actions, including court cases and inquiries
- Providing strategic advice to a global company affected by a cyber breach which affected its operations
- Supporting an organisation delivering out-of-home care and related child protection services, including during coronial inquests
- Working for global companies involved in product recalls and to manage high-volume or high-profile customer complaints
- Providing support to schools and childcare operators during critical incidents, including advice during departmental reviews
- Supporting a national organisation to manage a third-party Freedom of Information request into its funding
- Developing crisis communications plans for high-risk organisations including health and aged care facilities, and transport and logistics businesses
In addition, our team has provided strategic advice to organisations involved in the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants, as well as Parliamentary Committee Inquiries.
York Park Group’s issues management services include:
- Risk identification and preparedness
- Strategic and operational advice
- Issues management support
We work with clients to identify and prepare for issues, and manage them when they become public.
Crisis Services
Issues can be planned and prepared for and managed. An issue becomes a crisis, when the planned becomes unplanned. York Park Group provides 24/7 crisis communications support, including working in-house if required.
What is Issues Management?
In most cases, organisations have time to prepare for an issue, and to potentially mitigate or minimise any reputational damage that may result. Managing any issue should include not just the operational response, but also a comprehensive communications plan which considers the range of scenarios that might unfold.
Some of the questions to ask when preparing an Issues Management Plan should include: What’s happened? Who do you need to tell? What can or do you need to tell them? When will you tell them? How will you tell them? How will they respond or react?
What is the difference between an issue and a crisis?
Issues can generally be prepared for and managed. An issue becomes a crisis, when the planned becomes unplanned. In a crisis, you may need to make decisions or share information without having all the facts available; things are unfolding and need to be managed in the moment.
Can all issues – or crises – be prepared for?
Broadly speaking, yes. For every organisation, there will be a range of potential risks that can generally be identified: physical incidents, cyber incidents, employee incidents, organisational incidents etc. The specific details will vary, but the nature of the incident can broadly be predicted and prepared for.
Ensuring you have an up-to-date Crisis Communications Plan is critical, which clearly sets out processes, stakeholders, messaging, and template materials.
When should we engage communications experts to manage an issue?
As soon as possible. Preparedness is key to effective issues management and minimising reputational damage.
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Reputation Management
We work with clients to build, maintain and manage reputation